Families around Ireland choose Educate Together schools for their children because it is a model of education based on equality and human rights.

Educate Together has its roots in the Dalkey School Project National School, which was founded in 1978 by parents, guardians and educationalists with the aim of advancing education in Ireland by  providing child-centred education and promoting democracy and diversity in schools. Parents and guardians wanted an inclusive school for their children, a school that embraced difference and celebrated principles of tolerance and mutual respect - today, more and more parents and guardians are looking for the Educate Together model for their children. At ETSS Wicklow, parents/ guardians are vital in helping the school achieve that original founding aim.

Parents/guardians can contribute enormously to the success of the work of the school. 

There are many ways parents/guardians can be involved:

Involvement from home:  (1) creating a good learning environment; (2) asking your child about their day at school;           (3) monitoring the journal; (4) understanding the school and how it works; (5) reading newsletters and staying up to date with school messages through email, SMS and website posts; 

Involvement at school: (1) Parent-Teacher Meetings; (2) Information Evenings; (3) PSA - every parent/guardian is automatically a member of the PSA and welcome to attend the monthly meetings and join in PSA projects during the year; (4) Parent Representatives on the Board of Management;

Volunteerism: (1) Fundraising Events; (2) Showcase Events (e.g. debates with students); (3) Attending School Events such as Concerts;

At ETSS Wicklow, we encourage all parents/guardians to be involved in school life as much as possible. You can read our Parental Involvement Policy at this link: Parental Involvement Policy

PSA Project - Summary of Anti-Bullying Policy for inclusion in Journal

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